

Switch-Users and the Music Teacher

Many disabled pupils, unable to make music in any other way, can participate in a musical performance if they have switch access. In the music classroom, switch systems may be used in two ways: they are communication aids, used as controllers for speech synthesisers, text writers, etc., and also serve as virtual musical instruments, controlling various sound-making devices. It is important that, when used as virtual instruments, they should be treated in the same way as any other musical instrument. This leaflet will assist teachers in using the switch system as an integrated resource for classroom music-making.

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Music Technology & Curriculum Access

ISBN: 0 954216 0 6
Author: Audrey Podmore

Description: Describes the author's personal research into ways in which music technology can improve access to music education for all, particularly for pupils with disabilities.

Contents are listed by paragraph headings and it is fully indexed. Reader's may, for example, search for all examples of of the use of technology to support singing or for National Curriculum references.

Format Book
Price £9.95
Purchase this item from: The Full Pitcher Music Resources

GridPlay for Carer/Teachers
Making music with severely-disabled people

GridPlay for Carers/Teachers takes the most successful repertoire and activities, developed in special needs workshops over a period of 35+ years, to make available a package of resources with which carers or teachers can confidently initiate and sustain musical activities with severely disabled people. GridPlay is a read-only version of the remarkable MIDIgrid software and the latter has been used to create ‘Rollers’ and ‘General Purpose’ grids, each grid a mini-application. ‘Rollers’ are instruments which can be played with a mouse, trackball, joystick or a wide range of switch-systems, while the ‘General’ grids provide recorded repertoire, themed according to the activities they support, for ongoing music sessions. The 43-page printable e-book offers copious suggestions for using the grids, lyrics, sheet music for a number of items, and advice on running music groups for people with profound disabilities. The Full Pitcher offers a post-sales customisation service for this product.

Purchase GridPlay for Carers/Teachers from The Full Pitcher Music Resources

Also available:
GridPlay Levels 1+2
Purchase these items from: The Full Pitcher Music Resources

GridPlay Level 1 Contents and Demos
Gridplay Level 2 Contents and Demos

MIDIgrid for Windows The remarkable MIDIgrid software has enabled Living My Song to create customised resources for people of all abilities. See our features " We Can Make Music" and " Music and Alzheimer's Disease" for some examples.

MIDIgrid is music software with sophisticated facilities for the creative musician, but with a simple enough interface to allow exploration by the youngest user. With this software, you can:
Create and play virtual instruments
Improvise & compose
Record multi-track MIDI
Create your own interactive teaching resources

Because it is completely open-ended, a kind of musical paint-box, it can be used to create, play and record music in any style and can be used at all ages and levels of ability. Composers have used it to assemble and experiment with the building blocks of new compositions; creative musicians have used it as a virtual instrument on which to improvise; teachers have created interactive learning resources and, with it, therapists have provided access to performance for people with severe disabilities. more.....

Purchase MIDIgrid from